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Keeping Your Online Financial Data Secure


By: Liz Steffen, CFO

Keeping Your Online Financial Data Secure

Financial institutions have strict regulations they must adhere to for consumer data protection. Heavily regulated by the FFIEC and NCUA, Envista provides multiple levels of data protection, including built in firewalls, annual exams, regular data security risk assessments, and rigorous due diligence on all third-party vendors to ensure data protection compliance. However, businesses also play a role in protecting their financial data.

7 Tips to Protect Your Financial Data

#1         Educate employees about minimizing data risk.

Most data breaches occur as a result of phishing attempts and suspicious emails that can download malware. All emails addresses should be analyzed before clicking. If the email is not from an official company email address, or you don’t recognize it, DON’T CLICK! Ask yourself, “Does what the email is asking for make sense?” No email should ask for financial information or payment. If in doubt, go straight to the source and verify the email contents before clicking.

#2        Keep equipment and software up to date.

Old technology doesn’t have the security protocols in place to provide the ultimate protection. Install a firewall and virus protection between anything that will connect to your financial data or payments.

#3        Encrypt your communication.

When communicating with your financial institution, use encryption software to protect your data.

#4        Protect access to your data.

Protect your accounts with secure passwords that you change every 90 days. Protect laptops and smart phones with passwords and biometric screening.

#5        Be diligent.

As a small business owner, you are a prime target for criminals hoping to gain access to your data or steal your money. Monitor your accounts and report anything suspicious. Pay attention to your transactions. ACH transactions only have protection for 24 hours, so review your account daily.

#6        Back up your data.

Regular data backups (daily) will protect your data. In the event that malware does find its way into your system, you can clean the system and use the back up to recover your data.

#7        Don’t share confidential information.

Always remember — Envista will never contact you and request your password or account information. If anyone contacts you to ask for that information, report it immediately.